Nialli Design Planner

Nialli Design Planner

Design better together

Get the visual planning tool that keeps preconstruction and design teams on time and on budget.


Why choose Nialli Design Planner

Visualize conversations

Visualize conversations

Make your commitments self-evident and see dependent activities in the context of the entire project, whether teams are colocated or distributed.
Keep things simple

Keep things simple

See value on day one and avoid adoption barriers, thanks to tools based on the Last Planner System® and familiar sticky-note processes.
Manage constraints

Manage constraints

Take advantage of intuitive visual signals to better identify constraints and spot delays that could derail a project.
Capture insights

Capture insights

Use in-app reporting to track performance and facilitate continuous improvement, or export data into tools like Microsoft® Power BI.
Nialli Design planner - Set up your plans

Set up your plans

Nialli Design Planner makes it simple to create swim lanes that organize your plans into work areas. Each organization, group or discipline can be assigned their own color for easy visual identification. Users are then added to the plan and assigned permission levels based on their roles.


Nialli Design Planner - Add milestones

Add milestones

Once a plan has been set up, it’s easy to add milestones – either by inputting them manually or importing them from a Microsoft Excel® file. Use color coding to identify different types of milestones, creating clear visual cues for your team.


Nialli Design Planner - Add activities and deliverables

Add activities and deliverables

Each group or discipline can use Nialli Design Planner’s intuitive tools to add their own activities. There’s room to include expected completion date and the person responsible. You can also use tags in the calendar to make a commitment to a task completion date.


Nialli Design Planner - Set up relationships

Set up relationships

While creating activities, teams can also identify predecessors and place them in the parking lot – staying there until added to the calendar by the responsible party. Predecessors can also be identified by dragging a connector line from the successor to the predecessor activity.


Nialli Design Planner - Identify constraints

Identify constraints

Don’t be caught off guard by unknown constraints. When you add them to an activity, a yellow dot shows up on the tag for everyone to see (it will disappear when the constraint is complete). All constraints will also be added to the Constraint Log for review or distribution to the team.


Nialli Design Planner - Indicate status

Indicate status

Teams can show the status of their activities during planning sessions, which they can join from the office or the jobsite. Live track the Percent Plan Complete (PPC) with in-app reporting, watching weekly trends to measure team performance.


Nialli Design Planner - Gain insights

Gain insights

Nialli Design Planner data can be exported and used to discover deeper insights into team and project performance. Sample Power BI templates let teams review key performance metrics and develop strategies for continuous improvement.


Big Room pull planning

Transform your planning process with familiar pull planning software combined with interactive displays, full-room audio and cameras. Have multiple focused conversations and work together to get things done.

Dual 75"

Dual 75

An 11' 3" (3.4 m) image width is ideal for working together in site trailers or smaller Big Rooms. Combine with Nureva® audio and cameras to accommodate remote participants.

Triple 75"

Triple 75

A 16' 9" (5.1 m) image width provides ample space for multiple conversations and the ability to run project applications easily in larger site trailers and Big Rooms. Combine with Nureva audio and cameras to accommodate remote participants.

Dual 81"

Dual 81

The dual 21:9 displays provide a 12' 6" (3.8 m) image width for easy viewing and collaboration in larger site trailers and Big Rooms. Combine with Nureva audio and cameras to accommodate remote participants.

Nialli Design Planner easy remote access

Easy remote access

Give design teams the flexibility to work exactly how they need, whether colocated, distributed or hybrid. Nialli Design Planner works with different kinds of tech products – including large interactive walls, displays and laptops. Connect and contribute from anywhere.

Get your free 30-day team trial. Book a demo to get started. 

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